Paul Gadzikowski

King Arthur in Time and Space

Imaginary screen canon timeline

King Arthur in Time and Space Timeline

Part Ten: 1999-2001
King Arthur in
Time and Space

King Arthur in
Time and Space

screen canon
King Arthur
source legends
1999 In CURSE OF THE FATAL DEATH, a spoof of DOCTOR WHO produced for a charity telethon, the Doctor in his new ninth incarnation announces to his old enemies the Master and the Daleks that he's giving up time travel to marry his latest girl companion, Emma, and settle down. He regenerates into several successive surprise celebrities. In cartoons the Doctor takes the third incarnation of his half-sister Saavik of Vulcan as a traveling companion shortly before regenerating into a ninth body aboard USS Voyager. The Doctor has a dream in which he regenerates several times and in which Saavik's name is Emma. In More Potpourri
and in cartoons Merlin takes the nine-year-old Arthur as a time-traveling companion. Arthur hobnobs and battles evil with Merlin's other hero friends until he's fifteen.
In CURSE OF THE FATAL DEATH, a spoof of MERLIN produced for a charity telethon, Merlin announces to his old enemies Morgan le Fey and the Dragons that he's giving up time travel to tutor his new charge Arthur. Arthur's childhood before his crowning isn't really treated until modern sources such as T.H. White's The Sword in the Stone.
In STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE when the Jedi knight Obi-Wan Kenobi's master Qui-Gon is killed on a mission to the planet Naboo with that planet's queen Amidala, Obi-Wan takes the boy Anakin Skywalker for his own apprentice. In cartoons the Doctor's ambivalence toward Anakin Skywalker because of familiarity with his future as Darth Vader is only intensified when the Doctor and Saavik learn that Anakin may be yet another half-sibling. In More Potpourri
Merlin's ambivalence toward Sutekh because of familiarity with his future as Set is only intensified when Merlin and Arthur learn that Sutekh may be yet another of Merlin's half-siblings.
In PYRAMID WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE when the Ennead knight Osiris' master Ra is killed on a mission to the planet Nile with that planet's queen Isis, Osiris takes the boy Sutekh for his own apprentice. Ra was the Egyptian sun god. Osiris was king of the gods and Set/Sutekh his brother who dismembered Osiris and usrped him. Isis was Osiris' sister and queen; she and their son Horus avenged him on Set.
Xander's romance with their spoiled rich classmate Cordelia fails. Buffy foils the Mayor's ascension (though not before the Mayor in demon form has swallowed the unpopular Principal Snyder), and Angel faces the truth and leaves town. Linus' romance with the Emperor Claudius' daugher Britannica fails. Pudentiana foils the Agrippina's ascension, her son Nero takes the throne because Claudius is dead (swallowed by Agrippina in demon form). Britannica leaves the city when Nero's agents try to kill her, and Genius faces the truth and leaves also. Claudius Caesar was poisoned by his wife Agrippina. His son Brittanicus and her son Nero had been named co-heirs of the Empire but Britannicus died also. Agrippina ruled through Nero till he grew to fear her and had her killed.
On STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE the Federation wins the Dominion War and Sisko is made an energy being by the Prophets, and the series ends. On CHIVALRY: SHERWOOD STATION King Richard wins the Crusade and Robin is made an energy being by the Angels, and the series ends. Robin Hood was poisoned in a nunnery by a kinswoman of Maid Marian. To determine his burial spot he shot an arrow into the air at random.
In ANGEL fleeing his cursed love for the Vampire Slayer, the only vampire with a soul becomes a private detective in L.A. He is joined there by Cordelia, and by the Watcher Buffy defied when he was sent to replace Giles, Wesley Wyndam-Price. In GENIUS fleeing his cursed love for the Fairy Bane, the only fairie with a human conscience becomes a mercenary in the Roman spaceport Ostia. He is joined there by Britannica, Emperor Claudius' fugitive daughter, and by the Lore Master Pudentiana defied when he was sent to replace Bran, Collen. St. Collen visited Annfwn but escaped due to his piety.
Spike returns to Sunnydale, where a secret US federal research base inserts a computer chip in his head that prevents him from doing violence to humans. He also begins to realize he has fallen in love with Buffy. Nails returns to Rome, where a secret imperial research base inserts a computer chip in his head that prevents him from doing evil to humans. He also begins to realize he has fallen in love with Pudentiana.
2000 GENE RODDENBERRY'S ANDROMEDA: Dylan Hunt of the Commonwealth Highguard spacefleet is trapped on the threshhold of a singularity on the eve of Neitszchan rebellion, and escapes timestop centuries after the fall of civilization. He works to restore the Commonwealth for defense against an imminent Magog invasion with the help of his advanced Highguard ship's AI, the genetically enhanced Neitszchean mercenary Tyr, and Beka Valentine, captain of the band of mercenaries who rescued him. DESIDERATA ASCENDANT: Emperor Maximus of Rome is trapped on the threshhold of a singularity on the eve of the sack of Rome, and escapes timestop centuries after the fall of the empire. He translates his name into modern language and calls himself Charlemagne. He works to restore the Empire for defense against an imminent Mongol invasion with the help of his advanced Roman ship's AI, the genetically enhanced Orlando, and Angelica, captain of the band of mercenaries who rescued him. The Emperor Maximus, or Macsen, fell in love with a Welsh girl but had to return to Rome to quell insurrection. He was killed, or he was successful and returned to Wales.
Charles the Great of France was made Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope. Orlando was Charlemagne's nephew and one of his knights. Angelica was a beauty who with her kinsman conspired to win against Charlemagne's knights by magic.
At twenty Buffy begins to discover the more powerful, darker aspects of being the Vampire Slayer when the legendary vampire Dracula visits Sunnydale. After Dracula's departure the goddess Glory comes to Sunnydale in search of a mystical Key to open a gate to her home hell. The Key's guardians have given the Key human form and have altered memories to create a younger sister for Buffy, Dawn, so Buffy will protect it. At twenty Pudentiana begins to discover the more powerful, darker aspects of being the Fairy Bane when the legendary fairie Puck visits Rome in search of the Key to the Universe. The Key's guardians have given the Key human form and have altered memories to create a younger sister for Pudentiana, Aurora, so Pudentiana will protect it. St. Pudentiana had a brother, Praxedes. Aurora is Latin for dawn.
[unwritten or drawn]
When Arthur is fifteen Merlin returns him to his own time, where he learns he is heir to dead King Uther Pendragon and now king of the planet Camelot and other planets in that solar system.
2001 In unDailies
under a Naboo tradition, Padme Amidala becomes the Doctor's traveling companion for a year.
Under a Nile tradition, Isis becomes Nimue's traveling companion for a year.
In the series finale of STAR TREK: VOYAGER the ship makes it home to the Alpha Quadrant. In the series finale of CHVALRY: RED BRANCH the ship makes it home to British space. Brought home to Conor and so despondent he gave her away, Dierdre killed herself for which Fergus went to war with Conor.
In In Thy Image
the Doctor prosecutes a class action civil rights suit against Starfleet on behalf of the holographic CMO of Voyager and all holograms in Starfleet service.
In In Thy Image
(unwritten) Nimue prosecutes a class action civil rights suit against the Crown fleet on behalf of the holographic CMO of Red Branch and all holograms in Crown service.
In the rural town of SMALLVILLE young Clark Kent, the future Superman, recieves moral support from foster parents Jonathan and Martha Kent through his adolescent trials. Among those trials are his courting of the girl next door, Lana Lang, a friendship with the scion of a shady family of rich industrialists, Lex Luthor, and the exploration of Clark's developing super-powers. In the rural outskirts of THEBES young Alcides, the future Hercules, recieves moral support from his mother Alcmene and her husband Amphitryon through his adolescent trials. Among those trials are his courting of the girl next door, Megaera, a friendship with the scion of a shady family of rich centaurs, Nessus, and the exploration of Alcides' developing hero-powers. Megaera was Hercules' first wife, who with their children was killed by Hercules in a madness visited on him by his father's wife the goddess Hera.
Nessus the centaur killed Hercules by tricking his second wife Deianira into poisoning him.

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